Introducing Myself

How do you effectively and adequately introduce yourself? Do you talk about your hobbies? Your specialty? Academic interests? 

I am Seolin Jung. I was born in Seoul and have never moved once during my entire 18 years of life before moving into KMLA. My school has never been more than five minutes away from home. 

"But talk about yourself," you might say. "What makes you you?"

Fine. I love films. Specifically, I love the works of Zack Snyder, my favorites being Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Man of Steel, and Sucker Punch. He breathes life into characters merely drawn on comic books and make them human. His only film that isn't an adaptation - Sucker Punch - is a masterpiece that tells you it is you that decide what to do with your life. His films are accompanied by stunning visuals that make them incessantly rewatchable.

I love sitting alone in the theatre. I love the heightening sense of anticipation; the fleeting moment of pure ecstasy that almost overwhelms me as the audience quiets down. I love Mexican food. Lois Lane is my hero. Girl With A Pearl Earring is my favorite book... 

The title of this blog is derived directly from my favorite TV show: Legion. "Who teaches us to be normal when we're one of a kind?" is what Sydney Barrett asks David Haller, the mentally ill, telepathic, telekinetic, and pyrokinetic protagonist, as they sit down in front of a lake. And it's basically my life motto. The choices we make - our blog posts, our college majors, or the books we read - define us. And whatever they are, they are not any less than those of others.

I am not the person most would call attentive. But I am passionate about the things I love and I am glad that this blog will provide me the opportunity to express myself and a specific portion of my life. 

Thank you for listening to my TED talk. I hope you stay.


  1. I like your direct style of writing. It is very unique and distinguished in tone, and will help you a lot when you become a senior who has to tell colleges why they should accept you. They truly appreciate honesty and forthrightness, so don't lose that. Have fun with your blog and be as weird as you want. If you like Mexican food, Wonju has a great restaurant that you should check out after watching a movie at the new Megabox. As for this blog - use it freely and don't wait for me to tell you what to do if you enjoy writing (which you do seem to).


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